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Sunday School – The (old) World of Wine :: Italy


July 9th, 1:00 pm  – 3:00 pm

We’ll take you on a tour-by-tongue of the old world of wine. Historically the least understood by us Americans, we’ll break it down country by country for you, taste some fun things, teach you some tricks, and help you explore all great things you’ve been missing!

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If you thought (wisely) that understanding French wine was important to your journey, we know you won’t overlook Italy either. Unfortunately for all of us, where France has guidelines and structure, Italy has centuries of hyper-local tradition, and a healthy willingness to buck tradition and do whatever they desire. Have no fear, while it’s a scary country to unpack, we’ll help you navigate all of the  complexities and help you fall in love with the nuance and variety that is Italy.